Why You Should Use Synthetic Motor Oil
Find out just what synthetic motor oil, why it matters to the life of your vehicle, and how Milito’s Auto Repair can help. .
Find out just what synthetic motor oil, why it matters to the life of your vehicle, and how Milito’s Auto Repair can help. .
When your vehicle gets to around 75,000miles, you have to take care of it differently than you have in the past — and that includes using a high mileage motor oil.
Does the oil that you put into your car really make a difference? It turns out that the kind of oil you choose could save you thousands of dollars down the road — here’s why.
It doesn’t take that much time, doesn’t cost much, and does a lot to keep your car in the best shape and out on the road — it’s the regular oil change. Here’s why we choose Castrol oil and why you should, too.