Cold Weather Car Care Tips for Chicago Winters

Chicago winter weather is in full swing, is your car ready for the worst?

Frigidly cold temperatures can wreak havoc on your car, truck, or SUV, both inside and out, especially with the wind and snow we experience in Chicago.

Here are some winter car care tips from Consumer’s Report that will help prevent you from getting stranded on the side of I-90 in the dark, during rush hour (our worst nightmare!).

Examine Your Car’s Wiper Blades when it Gets Cold!

It’s possible to stretch the life of your wiper blades by cleaning the rubber edge of the blade periodically with a paper towel and glass cleaner, but it isn’t safe to do that all winter long.

The general rule of thumb is to replace wiper blades every 6 months.

Most blades are easy to install, but if you’re unsure of what to do, stop in and see us at Milito’s Auto Repair. We’ll install them free of charge.

Cold Weather Car Care for Chicago Winters, Proper Auto Maintenance is Key -

Get the Battery Checked before Winter Hits

Cold temperatures reduce the cranking power of your battery.

At about 0° F, a battery has only about half the cranking power it has at 80° F!

If a winter storm is on the horizon, get your battery professionally tested as soon as possible. A tired battery may just need to be charged, but if it’s more than five years old and shows sign of weakness, it’s best to replace it before the worst-case scenario becomes your reality.

Keep Up on Oil Changes Too!

Cold weather and salted roads can beat up your car’s exterior, but don’t forget about the engine.

Motor oil thickens when cold, making it harder for the engine to turn over.

Check your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommendation, but generally, you should be using oil that is formulated for winter use.

Whenever you have the oil changed, replace the oil filter as well to ensure the system has the maximum amount of flow. While the car’s oil is being changed, have the radiator and heater hoses checked for cracks, leaks, or contamination from oil or grease.

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Drive Safe!

We want you to be safe on the road, and the right car maintenance can make all the difference. Read more about safe winter driving in our winter car care blog.

Milito’s has been helping the people of Chicago with winter car care since 1968.

Stop by for oil changes, wiper blades replacements, heating and cooling issues, battery checks and anything your car needs to stay in top shape in below-zero temps. Contact us today to learn more!

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