Winter Car Washes Protect Your Car’s Exterior
In Chicago, winters are known for being long and unforgiving. Your car knows this well. The cold, harsh Windy City weather can take a toll on your car’s exterior and the underlying metal components. How exactly is your car impacted by cold, icy road conditions and what can you do to protect it?
Rats in Cars
Has your car sat idle for weeks on end? Leaving a car sit can cause the gas to go bad, the tires to flatten, and animals or even plants can make a new home in there!
4 Tips for Summer Car Care in Chicago
Summer is finally here! Get your car, truck or SUV summer road ready with expert summer car care tips from our trusted professionals.
5 Tips to Clean the Interior of Your Vehicle
Have you looked inside your vehicle lately? Don’t cringe. The road salt, mud, snow, etc. from Chicago streets can really do a number on the interior of your car. But all is not lost; follow these simple steps to revive and restore your interior back its original splendor.